Friday 13 January 2012


The group roles we decided on, we chose according to their personality as we thought this way we wouldn't clash to much with different ideas and opinions. I was the director who covered the final decision on each shot and where it would be. I also was the musical director because i like music so the sound effects and soundtracks would come naturally to me to fit in with the genre and the running of the film. Liam Irons was the Main Actor as he was eager to get in front of the camera and as a group we happily allowed him this role due to his confidence. Also we had Kieran Dale and Rhys Williams who were Co-Actors and featured in the news report. They were happy to feature in the film but not as much as Liam so we decided they would be our Co-Actors. Also Kieran was the producer as he was full of ideas just as much as the rest of us but he was keen that the idea we went with would work so he wanted to be the producer. Rhys on the other wanted to be the mise-en-scene supervisor because he likes to be organised and will excel in making sure the sets perfect and the customs are perfect for the shot to ensure a good film.

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